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Your Poker Site Solution

We provide the best robots for Poker Mavens

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No servers required

Running bots requires a vast amount of resources, but don't worry MavensBot hosts your bots on powerful servers for free.

No disconnection or delay

Powerful servers make MavensBot incredibly fast and smooth. You won't feel any delays or disconnections using our services.

Compatible with all version

The MavensBot is compatible with all Poker Mavens versions. Our team is trying to bring the elegant features in the best and fast way.

Easy user interface

The MavensBot team tries to keep the user experience simple, as well as bring cutting-edge features.

What's New !

We are constantly updating the system core and UI of the MavensBot. Read full change logs here.
- Supporting Poker Mavens 7
- Bots can play in different rings simultaneously
- Auto retrieving ring and tournament list after first bot login
- Detecting Flush Draw and Straight Draw
- Bluffing and Bluff Rate

Available Game Types


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